April 26, 2011

Both born on March 29th.

 Mama had a baby and it's head popped off.

 Sometimes the funnest part of recording is figuring out what to do when you have to be quiet. So bubbles.

What do you do when such a babe looks at you like that?
(That's grandma and grandpa.) 

 Grandma and Laura. Two people I've always known.

Thanks for letting me cut your hair mom and thanks Mikey for taking a picture of my power-stancing.

April 15, 2011

the hiatus is over.

These are my parents.
They gave me a digital camera for my birthday, which makes it possible for me to blog again. I'm really grateful! I like showing my loved ones the pictures I take. Thank you SO much for the camera! I'm going to use it a lot.

These are my brothers.

"Stop taking pictures!"


Uh-oh do I annoy people with my picture-taking? Grandma?

This is Lilly.
She died a few hours after this picture was taken. She lived with us for fifteen years, and I can't imagine going home and not having her greet me like she always would. Sad.

Back in Bloomington.

I will take more pictures of the new apartment soon.
